Parking Lot Savings Report

Hundreds of business are saving upwards of 60% in electricty with the IPLC control. Each kilowatt-hour of power saved reduces CO2 emissions by one kilogram across the integrated continental power grid that includes carbon-emitting generators.

How much money and CO2 can your parking lot save? Get an instant report below.

Savings simulation details

Your geographical region is required because our savings report uses weather data to simulate realistic conditions. If your location is not available, select the location closest to you.
How much does your electricity provider charge you per kilowatt hour? This number will be in cents, please input a number with up to three decimal places, example: 9.215.
You must provide usage details for Gasoline and/or Diesel vehicles.
Tell us about your parking lot and specify below how many gasoline and diesel vehicles use your parking lot.
# of Gasoline vehicles
How many gasoline powered vehicles use your parking lot?
Gasoline plug-in period
# of Diesel vehicles
How many diesel powered vehicles use your parking lot?
Diesel plug-in period
Your plug-in period provides the plug-in time frame each day based on a seven day week. Accurate period information is important because temperatures vary thoughout the day which impact kilowatt usage.

Savings report questions & answers

What is this report?

The IPLC savings report generates a detailed cost savings outline based on the details you provide about your parking lot. The report highlights potential savings in energy consumption of your parking lot if paired with an IPLC M210 or IP3 Series Pedestal (with control). The calculator uses historical weather data from regions across North America to simulate accurate weather conditions.

How much can I expect to save with the IPLC control?

Savings with the IPLC control varies based on weather conditions, but most businesses can expect to reduce their parking lot electricity consumption by up to 60%. Below are a few recently generated reports with estimated savings.

Ottawa, ON 75.73% Savings 5,035.76 lbs CO2 saved per stall*
Edmonton, AB 47.91% Savings 5,203.99 lbs CO2 saved per stall*
Regina, SK 64.00% Savings 5,958.41 lbs CO2 saved per stall*
Fairbanks, AK 41.99% Savings 5,678.51 lbs CO2 saved per stall*
*Represents the average CO2 per parking stall saved over winter months.

How does the IPLC save money?

Two-hour Power Delay

The IPLC control reduces the initial parking lot power demand with the use of a two hour power delay. This does not impact the starting of the vehicle because the engine is typically warm two hours after turn off. The two hour power delay will guarantee savings regardless of the outside temperature.

Intelligent Weather Monitoring

The IPLC control constantly monitors weather conditions such as: temperature and wind chill and will only deliver power based on a factory set temperature schedule. This eliminates any excess power usage while ensuring all vehicles will start with ease.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

The IPLC control stops short circuits and tripped breakers making electrical service calls unnecessary. This will reduce the expense of maintenance or electrical staff required to reset tripped parking lot breakers.

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